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The Underwater Archeological Park Caesarea

The Underwater Archeological Park is the first of its kind in Israel and the world.

Established and launched by the Caesarea Development Corporation, with the assistance of researchers from Haifa University at the end of April 2006.

The underwater park introduces both amateur and professional divers to the techniques Herod used to build the ancient ports, to the attempts at restoration after they sunk and to the ruins of sunken and ravaged ships.

The area of the sunken port is 200 dunam, and contains the ruins of pools, breakwaters, loading and unloading docks, warehouses, boardwalks and beacons. On the ground are sunken ships and cargo, ancient anchors and even one ship that carried immigrants to Eretz Israel.

The underwater tour provides a unique experience that is not available anywhere else in the world the tracking of the techniques used to build the ports in ancient times and an observation of the sophisticated construction methods adopted by Herods engineers, who build the first breakwaters in history.

The park includes four diving facilities, with 25 points that overlook the Roman marine engineering marvels as well as the changes that the port has experienced in its 2000 year history. The first facility is designed for amateur divers who can tour the site using snorkels. The three remaining facilities require professional diving equipment, oxygen tanks, etc.

Creation of the park was funded by the Caesarea Development Corporation, under the guidance of Sarah Arenson, an expert in marine archeology, and a close colleague of the late Prof. Avner Ravan, who was party to the establishment of the site and who died before he could witness the completed park.

A significant part of the restoration and future maintenance of the park was carried out, and will be carried out, by volunteer divers.

The Caesarea Dive Club.
Tel.: 04.6265898

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